HomeJavascriptRGB Color Slider Javascript

RGB Color Slider Javascript

Are you tired of using online color pickers every time you want to get the RGB values for a specific color? With a few lines of JavaScript, you can create your own RGB color slider to generate the color codes you need.

In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of creating an RGB color slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll start by creating a basic HTML structure and then add CSS styles to make it look good. Finally, we’ll add JavaScript functionality to the slider to generate RGB color codes as the slider values change.

Video Tutorial:

If you prefer video tutorials, you can follow along with this step-by-step video tutorial on how to build an RGB color slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this video, I cover everything from creating the HTML structure to styling the sliders and adding the JavaScript functionality. Also subscribe to my youtube17 channel for more such tutorials.

Project Folder Structure:

To keep your project organized, it’s important to establish a good folder structure. In this project, you can create a folder called “RGB-Color-Slider” and store all the necessary files, such as the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, inside it. This helps to keep your files in one place and makes it easy to find what you need. You can also create subfolders inside the main folder to store other assets, such as images or fonts, if necessary. Keeping your project organized from the beginning will save you time and hassle in the long run.


First, let’s create the basic HTML structure of our RGB color slider. We’ll create a container that will hold the sliders for the Red, Green, and Blue values, along with a result box to display the generated RGB color code. Here’s the HTML code:


Next, let’s add some CSS styles to make our RGB color slider look better. Here’s the CSS code:


The JavaScript code in this project handles the functionality of the RGB color slider. When the page is loaded, the generateColor() function is called to set the initial background color and the value of the color code text input. This function is also called every time any of the sliders are moved.

It takes the current values of the red, green, and blue sliders, combines them into an RGB color code string, and sets the value of the color code text input and the background color of the webpage to this color. The copyColorCode() function is used to copy the color code string to the user’s clipboard when the “Copy Color Code” button is clicked.

This function selects the text in the color code text input, executes the copy command, changes the button text to “Copied!”, and then changes it back to “Copy Color Code” after one second. Overall, the JavaScript code is well-organized and easy to follow, making it a great example for beginner web developers looking to learn more about handling user input and updating the DOM with JavaScript.


In conclusion, creating a color slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be a great learning experience and an excellent way to enhance your web development skills. With a few lines of code, you can create a user-friendly interface that generates color codes dynamically, allowing you to experiment with different color combinations quickly.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you should now have a functional RGB color slider. This slider generates and copies color codes to the clipboard. Remember, practice makes perfect. And the more you experiment with your code, the more you’ll learn and improve.

I hope this blog post has been helpful to you, and you’ve learned something new. Happy coding!




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