HomeCSSAnimation50 CSS Animations

50 CSS Animations

Hey everyone.Welcome to today’s tutorial. In today’s tutorial, we will see a compilation of 50 CSS animations. This is the third and last part of the series. In this part, we will be covering 20 CSS animations.

Some of these animations are quite Complex and I wouldn’t suggest you use them in the real world.Hence the only reason to make this tutorial is to explore and experiment with different CSS properties. Creating CSS animations and art is a fun way to learn CSS properties. The main CSS properties that we will be covering are animations, transforms, keyframes media queries, z-index and many more,

You will be also learning various values of transforms such as translate, rotate and scale.

Video Tutorial:

All the projects included in this compilation come with free-to-download source code and a video tutorial. The video tutorials are available on my YouTube channel, and the source code is available on my website.

So let us take a look at the various projects that are included in the series.

  • CSS birthday cake
  • Newton’s cradle
  • Header waves
  • 3D spinning card
  • Sleepy cloud
  • Rainbow border animation
  • CSS rabbit animation
  • Night sky animation
  • Sleeping cat animation
  • Single div pencil
  • Animation
  • Santa animation
  • Cat-mouse chase animation
  • Cat in window
  • Rainbow heart animation
  • Animated folding loader
  • Powerpuff Girls bubbles
  • Teacup animation
  • Kitty in the box
  • Spider-Man and
  • Sleepy Owl animation

That’s all for this tutorial. The comment below which is your favourite animation and what are the properties and new things that you learnt from this tutorial. If you face any issues while creating any of these projects, you can download the source code from my website here. Also if you have any queries, suggestions or feedback you can comment on them below.
Happy coding!

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