HomeCSSResponsive Website With HTML, CSS & Javascript

Responsive Website With HTML, CSS & Javascript

Welcome to today’s tutorial. Today we will create a Responsive Online Learning Website Design. We create the website using HTML, CSS and Javascript.


For this project, you need good knowledge of HTML and CSS. Some basic knowledge of CSS flex and grid layouts. Also, you need to have basic javascript knowledge.

Video Tutorial:

I have a video tutorial on my youtube channel. The tutorial is consists of easy steps to help you create this responsive website design. Check the video down below.


Website Features:

The website consists of 5 main sections – The hero section, features section, popular courses, testimonials, download app. These sections are completely responsive. We also have a responsive header and footer section.

The navbar is responsive with a subtle hover effect. The navbar collapses into side nav on mobile and tablet versions.

The header has a sticky effect on it.

The features section has a beautiful hover effect.

It also consists of a ‘scroll top button’ placed at the bottom right of the webpage that takes the user to the top of the webpage smoothly.

Download Source Code:

You can download all the source code along with the image I have used in video by clicking on the button below.

If you have any issues downloading the source codes or any other assets you can contact me or drop a comment below. Also, all your suggestions and feedbacks are welcome. If you like this tutorial, do subscribe to my youtube channel for more amazing tutorials.
Happy Coding!



  1. Thanks for this resource I have been trying to get a responsive website without Bootstrap and this will do the Job


  2. Hi,
    I was very confused because the files are not selected to different folders, for example: styles, js, images. Besides, it great works and the comments are cool. These help for me!



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