HomeCSSBest Code Editor For Web Development

Best Code Editor For Web Development

Hey everyone. Today I will talk about the code editor that I use. This so far the best code editor I have used for web developement. I will try to cover all the questions I get frequently. Let’s get started with these questions.

What code editor do you use?

The code editor that I use for web development is Visual Studio Code. You can download this text editor from the link here. This code editor is fast and extremely efficient.

How do you write code by typing just abbreviations?

VS Code comes with a built-in plugin called Emmet. If you are using some other code editor you can simply install emmet. Emmet can tremendously help you increase your productivity. Here is the link through which you can download emmet. Also, you can find the cheatsheet for emmet here. Now let’s move to the next question.

What is your VS Code theme?

Currently, I am using the Min theme by Miguel Solorio. This theme comes in two dark and light. I prefer using the dark one. To download this theme you can simply go to VS studio marketplace and search for the theme. Finally, just click on the install button.
Alternatively, you go to the command palette by clicking – ‘Ctrl + Shift + P’ and click on ‘Install Extensions’. Here You can search for – ‘Min Theme’ and click install.

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What extensions do you use?

The extensions that I use are:

  • Colour Info:

Provides a preview of CSS colours. You can also easily convert between different colour formats with just a click. It works with any CSS, sass, scss, or less document and recognizes all basic CSS colour formats, including named colours.

  • Live Server:

It can get tiring to save your code and go reload the browser every single time to see a change you made in the code. Live Server let’s launch a development local Server with a live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.

  • Image Preview:

As the name suggests it simply shows an image preview in the gutter and on hover. This is helpful when you are working with many images.

  • Autocomplete:

It simply adds the close tag to the HTML elements.

  • Polacode:

Polacode is polaroid for your code. It allows you to take beautiful screenshots of your code snippets. You can save these screenshots as images and share them with others.

How can I install these extensions?

You can install these extensions or any other in three easy steps:

  1. Got to View > Command Palette > Install Extensions.
  2. Search for the extension you want.
  3. Click on install.

How do you live code? Or How have you connected your code editor to the browser?

As mentioned earlier, I use the ‘Live Server’ extension by Ritwick Dey.

What font do you use in your code editor?

The font that I am currently using for my code editor is – ‘Source Code Pro’.

If you have more questions that you would like me to answer just write them in the comment section below.

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