HomeJavascript25 Latest Javascript Projects | Part 1

25 Latest Javascript Projects | Part 1

Hey everyone. Welcome to today’s tutorial. Today’s tutorial is going to be a compilation of the 25 latest JavaScript projects from my YouTube channel – Coding Artist. This is the first part of the series.
If you are interested in more such tutorial you can check out this playlist here. This playlist consits of a bunch of javascript projects that are suitable for beginners as well as experts.

Video Tutorial:

The projects in this 25 latest JavaScript projects are:

Image Color Picker:

In this project, the user can upload any image of his choice. Then using an eyedropper tool, the user can pick a colour from the image.

Smart Submit Button:

This project consists of a form with a submit button. The submit button dodges the click until and unless the user fills all the fields correctly.

Scratch Card:

In this project, we have a card cover when another colour. The user has to scratch the card using the mouse to reveal the text/code hidden behind the colour.

Simon Game:

We display a start screen. The player clicks on the start button to get the game started. The game lights up colours in a particular sequence. The player has to memorize the sequence and click the colours in the exact sequence.

If he is successful in doing so he moves to the next level where the count of the sequence is increased by 1. However, if the player fails to play the right sequence he loses and we display the count as a score and show the ‘Play Again’ button.

Dog Makeover:

In this project, the user is provided with a dog image and a few draggable accessories. The user can drag these accessories over the dog for the makeover.

On Off Bulb:

We would first create the bulb illustration from scratch using HTML and CSS. Next, we would add functionality to the toggle button to turn the bulb on and off.

Meme App:

This is a fun project. Here we fetch random memes from various subreddits.

Image Editor With Download Button:

We build an image editor that can rotate the image, flip image and crop the image. The user can rotate the image to either right or left. We can flip the image horizontally or vertically. And lastly, we can crop the image to a fixed aspect ratio or freely.

Detect Swipe Direction:

In this project, we detect in which direction the user has swiped his fingers. This project can be further extended to gesture detection.

Custom File Upload Button:

In this project, the user can upload the file of their choice. The user can see the list of all the files uploaded along with their file size.

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