Video Tutorial:
Pikaboo Follows You:
This codepen by Morgane is the perfect balance between spookiness and cuteness. In ‘Pikaboo Follows You’, the author has created a ghost-style Pikachu. The author builds this codepen using HTML, SVG and Javascript. We initially see ‘pikaboo’ floating in the air. On mouse move, the ‘pikaboo’ follows the mouse cursor.
Simple Falling Objects Game:
Even though this is a simple game, I enjoyed playing this game. The objective of this game is to click on various falling figures before they hit the ground. The code keeps the score of the figures clicked by the user. Also, the game comes with a countdown of 60 seconds.
Halloween 2020:
I love this Dracula illustration. The author of this codepen has used HTML, CSS and JS. The colours, symmetry and art style are perfect. Also, the background music that plays on click is perfect for the spooky feel.
Halloween Toaster Ghoster:
CodePenChallenge: SKELETONS
Arachnophobes stay away:
Mrs Pumpkin Head:
Parallax Trick or Treat:
CSS Trick or Treat toggle:
The trick-or-treat toggle codepen by Jhey is creative. The transition from skull to candy is smooth. You should check this one out.
Pure CSS video game | Halloween Hunters:
Can you believe this game is created with pure CSS? Check it out right now. The game provides the user with an arrow to kill different kinds of monsters. The goal of the player is to stop the monster from passing across the screen.
Mike Goes Trick-or-Treating:
Get mike ready for trick or treat. Click on the ‘Change costume button’ to put the mike in different costumes.
Pumpkin Toss:
Click on the screen to toss some pumpkins. This codepen by ‘Christopher Wallis’ is fun.
Those were my favourite halloween special codepens. Let me know which one you liked the best.