Hey everyone. Welcome to today’s tutorial. In today’s tutorial, we will learn how to do form validation. To build this project, we need HTML, CSS and Javascript.
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Project Folder Structure:
Before we start coding, let us look at the project folder structure. We create a project folder called – ‘Form Validation’. Inside this folder, we have three files. The first file is index.html which is the HTML document. Next, we have the style.css file which is the stylesheet. Finally, we have the script.js file which is the script file.
We begin with the HTML code. The HTML code creates the elements necessary to build the layout and structure of our project. We use a variety of form inputs in this project. They include text, number, email and password.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Form Validation</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <!-- Google Fonts --> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@400;500;600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <form autocomplete="off"> <h4>Create Your Account</h4> <div class="input-section"> <label>First Name <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter First Name" id="first-name-input" required /> <span id="first-name-error" class="hide required-color error-message" >Invalid Input</span > <span id="empty-first-name" class="hide required-color error-message" >First Name Cannot Be Empty</span > </div> <div class="input-section"> <label>Last Name <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="text " placeholder="Enter Last Name" id="last-name-input" required /> <span id="last-name-error" class="hide required-color error-message" >Invalid Input</span > <span id="empty-last-name" class="hide required-color error-message"> Last Name Cannot Be Empty </span> </div> <div class="input-section"> <label>Email <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="email" placeholder="Enter Email" id="email" required /> <span id="email-error" class="hide required-color error-message" >Invalid Email</span > <span id="empty-email" class="hide required-color error-message" >Email Cannot Be Empty</span > </div> <div class="input-section"> <label>Phone <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Phone Number" id="phone" required /> <span id="phone-error" class="hide required-color error-message" >Phone Number Should Have 10 Digits</span > <span id="empty-phone" class="hide required-color error-message"> Phone cannot be empty </span> </div> <div class="input-section"> <label>Password <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" id="password" required /> <span id="password-error" class="hide required-color error-message"> Passwords Should Have Letter, Special symbols, Numbers And Length >= 8 </span> <span id="empty-password" class="hide required-color error-message"> Password Cannot Be Empty </span> </div> <div class="input-section"> <label>Confirm Password <span class="required-color">*</span></label> <input type="password" id="verify-password" placeholder="Confirm Password" required /> <span id="verify-password-error" class="hide required-color error-message" >Should Be Same As Previous Password</span > <span id="empty-verify-password" class="hide required-color error-message" >Password Cannot Be Empty</span > </div> <button id="submit-button">Signup</button> </form> </div> <!-- Script --> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>
Now copy the code below and paste it into your HTML document.
Next, we style the form with CSS. For this copy, the code provided to you below and paste it into your stylesheet.
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif; } body { background-color: #3164ff; } .container { width: 90vw; max-width: 600px; padding: 2em 1.5em; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 1em auto; border-radius: 0.5em; } h4 { font-size: 1.5em; } .input-section { margin: 0.5em 0; } label, .error-message { display: block; font-size: 1em; } label { margin-bottom: 0.5em; font-weight: 500; } .error-message { margin-top: 0.2em; } input, button { display: block; outline: none; width: 100%; padding: 0.5em; border-radius: 0.3em; } input { padding: 1em 0.5em; border: 1.5px solid #d0d0d0; } button { font-size: 1em; background-color: #3164ff; border: none; color: #ffffff; padding: 0.8em 0; margin-top: 2em; } .required-color { color: #ff4747; } .error { border-color: #ff4747; } .valid { border-color: #37a137; } .hide { display: none; } @media only screen and (max-width: 450px) { .container { font-size: 14px; } }
Finally, we implement the functionality for form validation using Javascript. Now copy the code below and paste it into your script file. We use regular expressions to validate each form field.
//First Name let firstNameInput = document.getElementById("first-name-input"); let firstNameError = document.getElementById("first-name-error"); let emptyFirstNameError = document.getElementById("empty-first-name"); //Last name let lastNameInput = document.getElementById("last-name-input"); let lastNameError = document.getElementById("last-name-error"); let emptyLastNameError = document.getElementById("empty-last-name"); //Phone let phoneInput = document.getElementById("phone"); let phoneError = document.getElementById("phone-error"); let emptyPhoneError = document.getElementById("empty-phone"); //Email let emailInput = document.getElementById("email"); let emailError = document.getElementById("email-error"); let emptyEmailError = document.getElementById("empty-email"); //Password let passwordInput = document.getElementById("password"); let passwordError = document.getElementById("password-error"); let emptyPasswordError = document.getElementById("empty-password"); //Verify Password let verifyPasswordInput = document.getElementById("verify-password"); let verifyPasswordError = document.getElementById("verify-password-error"); let emptyVerifyPasswordError = document.getElementById("empty-verify-password"); //Submit let submitButton = document.getElementById("submit-button"); //Valid let validClasses = document.getElementsByClassName("valid"); let invalidClasses = document.getElementsByClassName("error"); //Password Verification const passwordVerify = (password) => { const regex = /^(?=.+[a-z])(?=.+[A-Z])(?=.+[0-9])(?=.+[\$\%\^\&\!@\#\*\(\)\+\=`~\?\>\<])/; return regex.test(password) && password.length >= 8; }; //Text verification (if input contains only text) const textVerify = (text) => { const regex = /^[a-zA-Z]{3,}$/; return regex.test(text); }; //Phone number verification const phoneVerify = (number) => { const regex = /^[0-9]{10}$/; return regex.test(number); }; //Email verification const emailVerify = (input) => { const regex = /^[a-z0-9_]+@[a-z]{3,}\.[a-z\.]{3,}$/; return regex.test(input); }; //For empty input - accepts(input,empty error for that input and other errors) const emptyUpdate = ( inputReference, emptyErrorReference, otherErrorReference ) => { if (!inputReference.value) { //input is null/empty emptyErrorReference.classList.remove("hide"); otherErrorReference.classList.add("hide"); inputReference.classList.add("error"); } else { //input has some content emptyErrorReference.classList.add("hide"); } }; //For error styling and displaying error message const errorUpdate = (inputReference, errorReference) => { errorReference.classList.remove("hide"); inputReference.classList.remove("valid"); inputReference.classList.add("error"); }; //For no errors const validInput = (inputReference) => { inputReference.classList.remove("error"); inputReference.classList.add("valid"); }; //First name firstNameInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (textVerify(firstNameInput.value)) { //If verification returns true firstNameError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(firstNameInput); } else { //for false errorUpdate(firstNameInput, firstNameError); //empty checker emptyUpdate(firstNameInput, emptyFirstNameError, firstNameError); } }); //Last name lastNameInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (textVerify(lastNameInput.value)) { lastNameError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(lastNameInput); } else { errorUpdate(lastNameInput, lastNameError); emptyUpdate(lastNameInput, emptyLastNameError, lastNameError); } }); //Phone phoneInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (phoneVerify(phoneInput.value)) { phoneError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(phoneInput); } else { errorUpdate(phoneInput, phoneError); emptyUpdate(phoneInput, emptyPhoneError, phoneError); } }); //Email emailInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (emailVerify(emailInput.value)) { emailError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(emailInput); } else { errorUpdate(emailInput, emailError); emptyUpdate(emailInput, emptyEmailError, emailError); } }); //Password passwordInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (passwordVerify(passwordInput.value)) { passwordError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(passwordInput); } else { errorUpdate(passwordInput, passwordError); emptyUpdate(passwordInput, emptyPasswordError, passwordError); } }); //Verify password verifyPasswordInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (verifyPasswordInput.value === passwordInput.value) { verifyPasswordError.classList.add("hide"); validInput(verifyPasswordInput); } else { errorUpdate(verifyPasswordInput, verifyPasswordError); emptyUpdate(passwordInput, emptyVerifyPasswordError, verifyPasswordError); } }); //Submit button submitButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (validClasses.length == 6 && invalidClasses.length == 0) { alert("Success"); } else { alert("Error"); } });
That’s it for this tutorial. Our form validation project is now ready. If you face any issues while creating this project you can download the source code by clicking on the ‘Download Code’ button below. I would love to hear from you guys, so if you have any queries, suggestions or feedback you can comment below.
Happy Coding!
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